Mangyan Bakery
Fabio and his family settled in Talipanan beach in the Island of Mindoro in 2013, with the aim to build a beach resort. They discovered that a few meters away from them there was a Mangyan village that counts approximately 1600 inhabitants.
The Mangyans are the native people of the Island, all very genuine and with a pure heart. However they live in extreme poverty, and their meals mainly consist of rice only.
In fact, those who work in the agriculture or in the constructions are usually the only ones contributing with a daily salary of $4 that shall support a family of five people or more. Most of them do manual jobs in exchange for rice or lower daily salaries.
Fabio and his family quickly came up with the idea that they should try to use the structure they just built, Amami Beach Resort, as a mean to develop a project that would alleviate poverty.
Thus, Amami Social Project was born, with the first goal to create together with the Mangyans a business that creates employment for the members of the community so that their families can live with a supplementary source of food and income.
After almost 2 years of case studies, we realized that the wisest idea was to invest in the creation of products that shall be local and 100% natural, at competitive prices. Our Amami Social Project team has first dedicated its efforts toward an employment program with Mangyans, teaching them how to bake bread and make pizza a the level that they can then train other Mangyans. This is how our first project was born, the Mangyan Bakery.
At Mangyan Bakery we produce bread and pizza for the village, teach them a profession and create employment, allowing also women to work while taking care of their families. We grant the bakers scholarship, housing, and food. We reward them with bonuses, extra pays, and savings account.
The global aim is to promote economic independence for the village and consequently the creation of local businesses.
Homemade bread
Our Amami Social Project team has first dedicated its efforts toward an employment program with Mangyans, teaching them how to bake bread and make pizza a the level that they can then train other Mangyans. This is how our first project was born, the Mangyan Bakery.
Pizza lovers
At Mangyan Bakery we produce bread and pizza for the village, teach them a profession and create employment, allowing also women to work while taking care of their families. We grant the bakers scholarship, housing, and food.
Eat local - Help local
"All our dishes are made out of fresh and seasonal products that we find in the surrounding nature : straight from the ground, the trees or the sea ! All our dishes are home made, with love and care, by an Italian chef and and an amazing Mangyan team. At Amami Restaurant, we believe it’s important to sustain local and ecological businesses. Everything comes from a very close perimeter!"
Mangyan bakers

Mangyan kids
At Amami Restaurant, we believe it’s important to sustain local and ecological businesses. Everything comes from a very close perimeter!

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is important to support the local communities?
- 100% Sustainability
- Benefits for all